Dial-Up Support
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To create a new dial-up connection in Apple Mac OS 9:
Configuring Mac OS 9 to use dial-up consists of three parts: TCP/IP,
Modem, and Remote Access configuration.
To configure TCP/IP:
- Open the
menu, choose Control Panel, then
choose TCP/IP.
- Click on the "Connect via:" pull-down list and choose "PPP"
from the list.
- If "PPP" isn't listed as a choice, then you do not have
Open Transport PPP properly installed on your computer.
- Click on the "Configure:" pull-down list and choose "Using PPP
Server" from the list.
- The "IP Address:" line, the "Subnet Mask:" line, and the "Router
Address:" line should all three have "< will be supplied by
server >" beside them.
- If there are any numbers in the "Name server addr.:" box, erase
them. This should create a dynamic connection.
- If dynamic connections do not work and you must have DNS entries,
enter the following IP addresses in the "Name server addr.:" box:
- Also, there may need to be an entry in the "Search domains:" box.
Enter "sdc.org" in this box.
- Click on the go-away box (
) to close the window. You
will be prompted to save the changes.
- Click on the Save button.
To configure the modem:
- Open the
menu, choose Control Panel, then
choose Modem.
- If the "Connect via:" selection is a drop-down list from which you
can select a connection method, click on the drop-down list and choose
one of the following:
- If you use a Macintosh, a PowerMac, or an iMac,
then change it to "Modem/Printer Port" or "Internal
- If you use a PowerBook or an iBook, then change it to
"Internal Modem" or "Powerport."
- Click on the "Modem:" drop-down list and select your modem from the
- Set "Sound:" to on and "Dialing:" to Tone.
- Remove any X or checkmark from the "Ignore Dial Tone" checkbox.
- Click on the go-away box to close the window. You will be prompted
to save the changes.
- Click on the Save button.
To configure Remote Access or PPP and connect to the Internet:
- Open the
menu, choose Control Panel, then
choose Remote Access.
- If the Setup option is collapsed (meaning it has a
right-pointing triangle to its left), then click on Setup to
expand it. The triangle should now be a down-pointing triangle.
- In the PPP connection box, choose "Registered user."
- Enter your username in the "Name:" box.
- Enter your password in the "Password:" box.
- Enter "838-4125" in the "Number:" box.
- If you need to dial any special numbers to get a regular dial tone,
put those numbers before the access number. If you need your modem to
wait a moment before dialing, place a comma [,] where you need the
pause to be. For example, if you need to dial 9 and wait for a
dialtone to get an outside line, you should enter
"9,838-4125" as the access number.
- Click on the Options... button.
- Click on the Redialing tab.
- Click on the "Redial:" drop-down list and choose the "Off"
- Click on the Connection tab.
- Place X's or checkmarks in the "Launch Status application when
connecting" box, the "Flash icon in memu bar while connected" box, and
the "Disconnect if idle for [____] minutes" box. Remove X's and
checkmarks from the remaining boxes. For the blank, "10" is
- Click on the Protocol tab.
- Click on the "Use protocol:" drop-down list and choose "PPP."
- Place X's or checkmarks in the "Allow error correction and
compression in modem" box and the "Use TCP header compression" box.
- Remove any X or checkmark from the "Connect to a command-line host:"
box. The options just below this box should not be selectable.
- Click on the OK button.
- Click on the Setup option near the top of the window to
collapse the Setup section. The triangle should now be a right-pointing
- Click on the Connect button to connect to the Internet.
- Once connected, the Connect button will change to read
Disconnect. Click on the Disconnect button to disconnect
from the Internet.
- Click on the go-away box to close the window if you don't want the
window on your screen anymore. You may be prompted to save changes.
If you are, click on the Yes button.
To connect to the Internet, re-open the Remote Access
Control Panel (if it isn't already open) and click on the Connect
button. Once connected, you may close the window if you wish, and
doing so won't close your Internet connection.
When you are finished, re-open the Remote Access
Control Panel (if it isn't still open) and click on the Disconnect
button. Once disconnected, close the window.
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